Sunday, 20 September 2009



Are you an RYA Racing Coach?

The RYA is looking to contract between 5 and 15 part time regionally deployed dinghy and windsurfing racing coaches, to join the existing 26 strong team of RYA Regional Club Coaches.

The coaches will be contracted by the RYA, with the support of additional Sport England funding, for between 30 and 150 days per annum (depending on their availability/ skills) and deployed throughout England, working with a number of clubs/centres either within a specific region or across a number of the 9 Sport England regions.

Each Regional Club Coach will be responsible for delivering training, promoting the RYA's training schemes to volunteers within clubs (with the purpose of increasing the skills of our volunteer base) and identifying talented young sailors and encouraging their development within the Junior and Youth programme.

The ideal candidate will have proven competence as a qualified coach/ instructor who has the potential to become an RYA Level 3 Racing Coach and be able to inspire sailors, parents and volunteer coaches alike.

The closing date for initial applications is 6th February 2009.


The daily rate for the RYA Regional Club Coaches will be determined in accordance with the RYA Coach Fee Policy and commensurate with the requirements of the role, taking account of the experience of the appointed Coach and the number of days they are able to commit to the role.

For further information and to apply please click the link below: