Thursday, 5 May 2011

Marine Resources UK Leisure Marine Salary Survey

As part of our commitment as the UK’s number 1 marine recruitment specialists,
Marine Resources continues working to provide more improved services to all our jobseekers and employers. Today (05/05/11) marks the release of our first ever salary survey of the UK leisure marine industry.

Here at Marine Resources we are proud to present a guide to salaries for the UK marine Industry. This is a free resource available to both jobseekers and employers alike. We hope that whether you are a HR manager performing background research into the salary of a new position or are just checking to see how you compare against the industry you will find the following information helpful.

The data used to compile this survey comes from our own database of jobs we have worked on or filled within the last year. Additional insights and data points have come from a short salary survey sent out to hundreds of employers and from current salary information provided by jobseekers registered on our database.

Therefore additional factors like commission and performance bonuses have not been included. Numerous factors can influence the actual final salary including seniority, location, commission, operating industry and ultimately how well the company is performing,

Ultimately we hope this Salary Survey can become something we continue to produce in future years, providing more details and insights to the Marine Industry in the UK and in other countries around the world for employers and jobseekers alike.

Head here to download the Marine Resources Salary Survey 2011

We’d love to know what you think of our first ever salary survey. Let us know by e-mailing

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